Wednesday, February 27, 2013


After taking the weekend off from being deathly sore from pull-ups where I could barely straighten my arms, I was back at it:


12 minute ascending ladder of:

Overhead Squats


OH Squats = no joke

Felt real good laying down last night, even felt good when I got up - it's about 10am and I'm starting to feel the soreness in the legs and the core.


First full class outside of 101:


4 minute AMRAP

4x Kettlebell DLs
4x Air Squats

REST 2 minutes

6 minute AMRAP

6x Kettlebell Sumo DLHP
6x Pull-ups

REST 2 minutes

8 minute AMRAP

8x Kettlebell Snatches
8x Push-ups

Surprisingly, push-ups were the toughest part of this.... Well outside of the pull-ups. I'm absolutely atrocious at pull-ups. That will be a big issue going forward, that needs A LOT of work.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

More Greens As Promised

Like I said earlier, needed to stay consistent with the greens. That's the only thing I've seen in the last week that I've fallen off on a little bit. Everything else has been good, just need to get these greens in. I made broccoli with dinner last night and today I grabbed a juice with breakfast (celery, cucumber, spinach, apple) and a salad with mixed greens, tomato, onion and avocado to have with my grilled chicken at lunch. Overall a good day with the greens so far.

Test Out Complete

Last night myself and three other 101 members completed our Test Out to get into the big boy classes. It was a quick overview of some of the basic movements we learned and I think we all did pretty well. It's tougher in my opinion to explain the movements than just getting set up and doing them, but therein lies the challenge. So after all the explaining and a couple reps we were all ready to move on.. First class is tonight at 9. Little late for me so I'm going to see how it goes, if the same class is going on at 7 I may jump to that just so I'm not getting home so late.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2 Weeks Down

So I'm in the middle of the third week out of the twelve this challenge offers up. I'm still feeling pretty good and my workouts are starting to come together. When I first started up I was struggling to recover from the workouts and the body was pretty sore. I added a couple supplements to the regimen and think the Fish Oil has been a huge help. My joints, especially my wrists and knees, weren't nearly as sore after a couple of days. Lately I've been able to string together multiple workouts without much struggle. The workouts themselves are definitely a struggle, they're kicking my ass, but I'm recovering better and that's always my biggest concern.

Little recap -

Week 1: -4.8lbs. Down from 233.2 to 228.4
Week 2: -1.6lbs. Down from 228.4 to 226.8

Middle of Week 3 right now and I was able to hit up WOD's Monday and Tuesday with my test-out coming tonight at 8pm. I'm moving out of the 101 class and into the main classes which will provide a-whole-nother level of intensity and will hopefully contribute to a more rapid drop in weight. I'd like to keep the pace at 2+ lbs per week, and we're off to a good start this week. Diet has been strictly paleo with no dairy and no alcohol. I've had lots of avocado and the one thing I could use more of is greens. Need to start piling the plate with more veggies. But we're off to a good start, let's keep it going..

Tuesday WOD:

12 minute AMRAP

250m row (A)

4 Deadlifts
6 Squats   (B)
8 Sit-ups

One person rows 250m, while they're rowing the other needs to complete 4/6/8 as many times as they can. Once their partner hits 250m, they switch. Depending where the person left off in the 4/6/8, the other picks up at that spot.

Result: 14 rounds

Monday WOD:

For Time


Simply put: 21 DL's/21 burpees, 15 DL's/15 burpees, 9 DL's/9 burpees

Result: 7:08