Tuesday, July 30, 2013

32 days until Vegas. Time to lock it up.

Breakdown of life since my last post: April got absolutely beasted, did a ton of
WOD's and finished up my paleo challenge with CFR. May was less productive, but I finished my 90 day self imposed challenge early in the month and relaxed a bit. I didn't hit my goal of 205 but got down to 209 which was good for a 24 pound weight loss over the 3 months. I'm somewhat happy with that, but not getting to my goal when it was clearly in reach is something that still pisses me off. June was almost a carbon copy of May, I relaxed. I played golf on the weekends and got to CFR when I could, but it wasn't a priority like the first couple months.. July was a disaster. I went into it as my turn around month, hit up a WOD July 1st ready to get a ton of work in and I didn't go back until last night. I really wanted to use a full 2 months to get into shape by Vegas, but I blew that by eating whatever I wanted and drinking way too much.

But fuck that, I'm not going to Vegas like a fat slob, so regardless of the workout I will be going to CFR as long as my body can handle it. I'm mentally locked in, so if my body breaks down so be it. Paleo for the next 30 days and CFR as much as possible. Last night's WOD was hell on earth for people who have been regularly attending classes, so it was even worse for me on my first night back. Here it is:

Run 1000m
200 Jump rope (100 double unders or 200 singles)
Row 1200m

Run 800m
200 Jump rope
Row 1000m

Run 400m
200 Jump rope
Row 500m

Result: 38:50

Then I went and played two softball games. I was tired. Then I got 4.5 hours of sleep with a pounding headache. Welcome back.

My goal is to eat paleo style every day from here on out. One exception will be a couple days where I will drink strictly because I've done the not drinking before Vegas thing and it did NOT turn out well. I want to keep some sort of tolerance up as shitty as that sounds. I'll mix those days in on the weekends but will stay strict on weekdays and probably on Sunday's as well. No more room for fucking around, time to take care of business.