Monday, August 5, 2013


Monday's suck. So hard to get going on a Monday. So tired. Good weekend in terms of fun, didn't get in the second WOD on Saturday but that's just more to the fact I flat out couldn't get a ride to the gym. But the WOD Friday night was brutal on the legs, they're still in a good amount of pain today.. Here's how it went, we started off with about 15 minutes of squats - 5 sets of 5 reps as heavy as we could work up to. For not having done a squat in over a month I wasn't feeling real strong but I still had some good strength in my legs to get some weight up there..


The 215 felt like 315, scary I used to do 315 back in the day.

We went into the conditioning part of the WOD which was a mix of jump rope and wallballs and the wallballs were NO JOKE.

3 rounds for time:

100 single jump rope
25 wallballs, 2-fer-1's

Result: 11:28

I flew through the first round, but the wallballs were impossible to keep going through and I had to take some breaks in between. My conditioning sucks so I was sucking wind pretty quick and that made it much tougher. A/C was broken in the gym so it was pretty tough to breathe in the first place so that didn't help. My legs are still hurtin' right now.

Tonight we have a softball game so I won't be able to make it to the gym but hopefully there's nothing scheduled tomorrow so I can get in a WOD.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Active first week

I haven't gotten back to the gym since Monday, and that's alright.. I've had a lot going on after work this week but I've managed to stay active. Had two softball games Monday night after the WOD, could barely walk Tuesday but managed to get through two more games. As soft as co-ed kickball sounds (like softball sounded tough or something), I was able to move around the field well enough to crack a small sweat on Wednesday night and took a much needed night of rest where I completely shut it down last night. I'll be hitting a WOD tonight that looks pretty rough on the legs but I don't give a shit, sorry bout it legs. I'm also going to immediately lock in for a WOD tomorrow morning. Weekends have been the issue over the summer so far for me and it's where I've found it okay to cheat myself on making progress. That predictably snowballs into the middle of the week, and if something comes up and I don't make it then I'm all of a sudden a week removed from doing anything.. Need to constantly strive for progress, and like I said this is the "no fucking around" time, there's no room for error here. It's a straight line of progress until August 30th. All I need to do is crush a couple WOD's prior to relaxing and earn my weekend. Before my body can even know what hit it from tonight's WOD I'll be finishing up the workout on Saturday morning. It'll be nice to get two really big workouts in this weekend and set me up for the next 4 weeks. Let's fucking go.

Preview of tonight's WOD:

5x5 back squats


50 double unders
25 wallballs "2-fer-1's"

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

32 days until Vegas. Time to lock it up.

Breakdown of life since my last post: April got absolutely beasted, did a ton of
WOD's and finished up my paleo challenge with CFR. May was less productive, but I finished my 90 day self imposed challenge early in the month and relaxed a bit. I didn't hit my goal of 205 but got down to 209 which was good for a 24 pound weight loss over the 3 months. I'm somewhat happy with that, but not getting to my goal when it was clearly in reach is something that still pisses me off. June was almost a carbon copy of May, I relaxed. I played golf on the weekends and got to CFR when I could, but it wasn't a priority like the first couple months.. July was a disaster. I went into it as my turn around month, hit up a WOD July 1st ready to get a ton of work in and I didn't go back until last night. I really wanted to use a full 2 months to get into shape by Vegas, but I blew that by eating whatever I wanted and drinking way too much.

But fuck that, I'm not going to Vegas like a fat slob, so regardless of the workout I will be going to CFR as long as my body can handle it. I'm mentally locked in, so if my body breaks down so be it. Paleo for the next 30 days and CFR as much as possible. Last night's WOD was hell on earth for people who have been regularly attending classes, so it was even worse for me on my first night back. Here it is:

Run 1000m
200 Jump rope (100 double unders or 200 singles)
Row 1200m

Run 800m
200 Jump rope
Row 1000m

Run 400m
200 Jump rope
Row 500m

Result: 38:50

Then I went and played two softball games. I was tired. Then I got 4.5 hours of sleep with a pounding headache. Welcome back.

My goal is to eat paleo style every day from here on out. One exception will be a couple days where I will drink strictly because I've done the not drinking before Vegas thing and it did NOT turn out well. I want to keep some sort of tolerance up as shitty as that sounds. I'll mix those days in on the weekends but will stay strict on weekdays and probably on Sunday's as well. No more room for fucking around, time to take care of business.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Paleo Plates

Here's some visuals to show you some of the Paleo dishes I've had recently

Paleo Chili: Bacon, Grass-Fed Ground Beef, Crushed Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic, Red Peppers, Chili Powder, Chipotle Powder, Cumin, Paprika

90/10 Ground Sirloin, Homemade Salsa, Zucchini, Guacamole, Tzatziki sauce (not paleo), wrapped in lettuce

Food Prep: London Broil Steak, Cauliflower Mashed, Asparagus

90/10 Ground Sirloin, Sweet Potatoes, Side of Guac

Breakfast at Work: Chicken Sausage and Eggs, Avocado, Grapefruit and Blueberries

More Food Prep: London Broil, Cauliflower Mashed, Broccoli

Work Lunch: L to R, Avocado, Blackened Grilled Chicken, Asparagus

One of my Favorite Meals and One of the First: Stuffed Peppers (90/10 Ground Beef and Quinoa) with Chipotle Meatballs


So it's been a while, huh? Been a real productive month, but I haven't been able to get posts up so I'll try to recap. First two weeks of the month were pretty slow, I wasn't seeing progress as quick as I would've liked and I can admit my excitement and motivation for staying strict on the diet lagged a bit, but I refused to fall off. Did I have a night or two where I drank? Sure. But I really did keep it to a couple nights and tried to stay strong because I promised myself I'd finish this. My gym started a 30 day Paleo challenge at the perfect time, about two weeks into this month.. I signed up and partnered up with someone, and since that started I'm back at 110% and going strong. It was a nice kick in the ass to feel as though a bunch of other people joined me in what I was already doing so now I'm not just holding myself accountable I have a gym full of people holding me accountable. That's the way I need myself to look at it and it's been working well so far.

I had dropped almost 12 pounds in the first month, but like I said March started off slowly. I didn't see any change in my body or on the scale over the first two weeks - week 3 saw me drop almost 3 pounds. I haven't weighed myself since last week, so I'll attempt to get a weigh in tomorrow. At last weigh-in I was 217.6, that's a 15.6 pound weight loss since February 4th. I'm proud of that, but I am not done. My goal is to get below 205 by May, so I've still got plenty of work to do. With the extra push from all the other people doing the challenge, sharing recipes, motivating each other - I'm in great position to keep moving forward and have no excuses. I'm confident I'm going to blow past my goal by the deadline.

Here's some WOD's that kicked my ass over the last month:

3/28 (Last night)

18 minute AMRAP

500M ROW
400M RUN

Result: 3 complete rounds + 414m row


Tabata "Fight Gone Bad"

Complete 40 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. Perform 8 consecutive intervals of each of the following exercises:


There is no additional rest between exercises.

Each exervise is scored by the lowest number of reps (cals on rower) in each of the eight intervals. The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.

Result: 29 (6 reps for each exercise except wall-ball which was 5 - 6x4 = 24+5 = 29)


Birthday WOD (I need to start skipping these, they're the f-ing WORST)

Establish a heavy set of cleans in 7 sets

8 rounds of:


Immediately followed by

7 rounds of:


If you break any of the unbroken sets it will result into a 7 burpee penalty each time to be conducted at the end of the WOD

Result: Had to drop weight on cleans after 3rd round to 75. Broke twice during the last round. 14 burpees, did them consecutively at least.


Perfecting the DL - 5x5x5x5x5


20 LATERAL JUMPS (over the bar, 20 each side, so... 40)
20 DEADLIFTS (135/95)

Results: Not exactly sure, think I went around maybe 2 1/2 times. Evil wheels were absolutely the hardest thing I've put my body through so far. I've done them before and though that'd be a decent time to rest a little but instead absolutely crushed me. It's been almost 10 days since then and my stomach is just starting to feel normal again.


Front Squats - Build to a heavy set of 5


For time:

1000M ROW

Result: 11:30 - *This will be revisited April 18th to gauge what the Paleo Challenge has done for us in terms of improving our performance. I remember I was one of the first off the rowers yet one of the last to finish the workout. I was disappointed my stamina fell off so hard and how slow my burpees were. My goal is to be in the 9:30 range when we do this workout again.


Another birthday WOD, this one was terrible.

(1975) 20:15 AMRAP

Run 400m
After time expires: Run 400m

Result: I think I managed 2 rounds of this. All I know is I got pretty much smoked by everyone. My burpees are awful and they're slow. I used a lighter med-ball to somewhat pace myself through, it just wasn't coming off the wall at all. I've never had an issue with my toss or where I wanted the ball to come down to me, but it was all over the place. It actually ended up landing in a puddle of coffee so I switched to the closest ball which was heavier, but the tosses were perfect. I just think the weight played a big role in that, had I used the heavier one from the beginning I think I would've sped through wall-balls - instead it took me much, much longer than it should have which really hurt my time. I'll also admit I had a shitty attitude during this workout and remember thinking I need to stop being a bitch when this was all over, I was pissed at myself for sucking so bad here.


5 rounds for time

250M ROW

Result: Don't remember the time, think it was somewhere in the 10 minute range but I remember being done relatively quickly

That's a good amount right there to recap - the farther I go back the harder it will be to remember details... But it was a good month but definitely a very solid last two weeks.

Friday, March 1, 2013


6 Minute Abs:

1 minute sit-ups
1 minute leg raises
1 minute hollow rocks
1 minute hip dips
1 minute supermans
1 minute sit-ups


75 Power Snatches (75/55 pounds)
For Time

In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.

Result: 8:40

Forgot my sneakers at home like an idiot, so did it with no shoes on. BAD ASS BABY!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


After taking the weekend off from being deathly sore from pull-ups where I could barely straighten my arms, I was back at it:


12 minute ascending ladder of:

Overhead Squats


OH Squats = no joke

Felt real good laying down last night, even felt good when I got up - it's about 10am and I'm starting to feel the soreness in the legs and the core.


First full class outside of 101:


4 minute AMRAP

4x Kettlebell DLs
4x Air Squats

REST 2 minutes

6 minute AMRAP

6x Kettlebell Sumo DLHP
6x Pull-ups

REST 2 minutes

8 minute AMRAP

8x Kettlebell Snatches
8x Push-ups

Surprisingly, push-ups were the toughest part of this.... Well outside of the pull-ups. I'm absolutely atrocious at pull-ups. That will be a big issue going forward, that needs A LOT of work.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

More Greens As Promised

Like I said earlier, needed to stay consistent with the greens. That's the only thing I've seen in the last week that I've fallen off on a little bit. Everything else has been good, just need to get these greens in. I made broccoli with dinner last night and today I grabbed a juice with breakfast (celery, cucumber, spinach, apple) and a salad with mixed greens, tomato, onion and avocado to have with my grilled chicken at lunch. Overall a good day with the greens so far.

Test Out Complete

Last night myself and three other 101 members completed our Test Out to get into the big boy classes. It was a quick overview of some of the basic movements we learned and I think we all did pretty well. It's tougher in my opinion to explain the movements than just getting set up and doing them, but therein lies the challenge. So after all the explaining and a couple reps we were all ready to move on.. First class is tonight at 9. Little late for me so I'm going to see how it goes, if the same class is going on at 7 I may jump to that just so I'm not getting home so late.