Monday, August 5, 2013


Monday's suck. So hard to get going on a Monday. So tired. Good weekend in terms of fun, didn't get in the second WOD on Saturday but that's just more to the fact I flat out couldn't get a ride to the gym. But the WOD Friday night was brutal on the legs, they're still in a good amount of pain today.. Here's how it went, we started off with about 15 minutes of squats - 5 sets of 5 reps as heavy as we could work up to. For not having done a squat in over a month I wasn't feeling real strong but I still had some good strength in my legs to get some weight up there..


The 215 felt like 315, scary I used to do 315 back in the day.

We went into the conditioning part of the WOD which was a mix of jump rope and wallballs and the wallballs were NO JOKE.

3 rounds for time:

100 single jump rope
25 wallballs, 2-fer-1's

Result: 11:28

I flew through the first round, but the wallballs were impossible to keep going through and I had to take some breaks in between. My conditioning sucks so I was sucking wind pretty quick and that made it much tougher. A/C was broken in the gym so it was pretty tough to breathe in the first place so that didn't help. My legs are still hurtin' right now.

Tonight we have a softball game so I won't be able to make it to the gym but hopefully there's nothing scheduled tomorrow so I can get in a WOD.

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